Sber is the largest bank in Central and Eastern Europe, where I worked for 5 years. This case is about how the design system helped Bigtech to scale and increase T2M.
The bank then had over 200,000 employees, about 15,000 in the Retail Business unit, where I was leading the design of the core finance app with 200+ product teams.

At the beginning of 2018, Sber was in the middle of digital transformation process, and the rapid growth of teams only exacerbated the inconsistency of the UI and the hassle of writing code.
Developing an approach to standardize how screens and individual components were designed was necessary. Also, it was crucial to act faster because product teams formed and started developing their features without detailed enough guidelines. It was painful to see the continuously increasing UX/UI debt.

As often happens in large companies, the importance of any initiative leads to the issue of prioritizing resources, and it has yet to be proven what is more beneficial for the company — design system or other product features requested by clients.
I brought several key aspects to the management:
• Reducing design and dev costs,
• Faster time-to-market,
• Dark theme as a feature (that year Apple announced it at WWDC),
• Opportunity to solve inclusion issues by providing essential components with voiceover for screen readers,
• Possibility of system fonts scaling, which we didn't have then,
• Basis for multilingualism.